Privacy Policy


  • Definition And Key Terms
  • Introduction
  • Governing Law
  • Eligibility
  • Collection Of Personal Data
  • Use Of Personal Data
  • Consent To Receiving Targeted Messages
  • Data Storage
  • Disclosure Of Information
  • Your Legal Rights In Regard To Data Protection
  • Information We Receive from Third Parties
  • Data Security
  • Deleting Your Data
  • Preventing Identity Theft
  • Links To Third-Party Sites
  • Our Use Of Cookies
  • Breach Of Security And/Or Privacy Violation
  • Change Of Policy
  • How To Make a Complaint
  • Acceptance Of Policy


To ensure clarity, please note the following meanings. Wherever these terms are used, they are used strictly in the context defined in this section.

Cookie: This is a small piece of text sent to your browser by a website you visit. It helps the website recollect information about your previous visits to facilitate smoother site navigation, ease of access, and analytics.

Company/Business: When this policy mentions “Business,” “Company,” “Organisation,’ “we,” “us,” or “our,” it refers to Savepy LLC.  

Country: This refers to the country of residence of our user and the registered country of Savepy LLC. 

Customer or User: This refers to persons and entities (company, group, or organization) that register and sign up for Savepy LLC Products and Services, either as end users or as vendors.

Device: This refers to any internet-connected hardware that the User uses to access our products and services. They are not limited to mobile phones, tablets, and computers 

IP address: Every single device connected to the Internet is assigned a number known as an Internet protocol (IP) address upon connection. These numbers usually include a geographic block that signifies the User’s location at the time of connection. 

Personal Data: Any information, vague or intensive, which directly or indirectly can be used to identify or profile a natural person.

Products and Services: This refers to all products and services which Savepy LLC currently offers, and may offer in the future. 

Third-party: This refers to advertisers, contest sponsors, promotional and marketing partners, storage and security facilitators, and others who provide our content or whose products or services we think may interest you. And generally other persons, bodies, or organizations outside of SavePy LLC

Website: SavePy LLC’s site, which can be accessed via this URL:

You: Refers to the person, body, group, organization, or entity reading this policy and registered with Savepy LLC as a Customer or User. 


Savepy LLC is the owner of Savepy LLC and all its associated subdomains, software, apps, content, and services. Please read this policy to understand how we collect your data, how we store your data, how we protect your data, how we use your data, and our limitations regarding the disclosure of your Personal Information to third parties (such as our service providers and credit bureaus), and other policies surrounding your use of Savepy LLC. 

Savepy LLC herein referred to as (‘we’, ‘our’, ’us’) implements this policy to protect your data. This Privacy Policy applies to the Savepy LLC business, systems, websites, software, applications, operations, and processes. 

By accessing our services, and, or, using any of our platforms (marketing, promotional, websites, applications, software, other online services and/or any related services, promotional or event and social media activities, and services(regardless of means of access) you acknowledge that you have read and understood our policies, and that you agree to our collection, storage, usage, and disclosure of your Personal Information as portrayed in this Privacy Policy, and that you also agree to our Terms of Use. 

Please contact us at if you require further clarification. 

The provisions contained in this Privacy Policy supersede all previous notices and statements regarding Savepy LLC’s privacy practices concerning our services.


This Privacy Policy is governed by the associated laws of whichever State (Herein, referring to Country, Region, and Nation) it is implemented in. By using Savepy LLC, you consent to the absolute jurisdiction of the courts in connection to settling disputes between all involved parties subject to this Privacy Policy. Only Individuals with the right to make claims under Privacy Shield, or the Swiss-US framework may be exempt from the said court jurisdiction. 

By using Savepy LLC you acknowledge that you accept this Privacy Policy. Please discontinue the use of all Savepy LLC Products; Applications, Software, Websites, Domains and Subdomains, and other Savepy LLC Services. 

If you do not agree with Savepy LLC’ Privacy Policy, please discontinue engaging with all of Savepy LLC’ Products and Services. By proceeding to use our Products and Services you signify that you read, acknowledge, and understand This Policy and consent to its implementation. 


Please be aware that all products and services of Savepy LLC are not intended for use by persons under the age of 18. Use of Savepy LLC by persons under the age of 18 is unauthorized, disapproved, unlicensed, and in violation of this Privacy Policy.

We will not knowingly collect the Personal Data of persons under the age of 18. Upon registration, you will only be allowed to create an account if you are 18 (eighteen) years or older. If you are under the age of 18 please do not use Savepy LLC’s products and services, and do not submit your information to us. 


Every Personal Data received is processed following the applicable Savepy LLC privacy policy and data protection laws. 

We collect Personal Information that we deem necessary to ensure customer satisfaction with our products and service and a better user experience, and we may collect any other data you choose to provide to us. We collect Personal Information directly from customers and users, upon registration at any of Savepy LLC’s touchpoints (online, or offline). The information we collect from our customers and users includes;

  1. Name/Username
  2. Date of Birth
  3. Gender
  4. Phone number
  5. Email addresses, 
  6. Social Security Number
  7. Residential Address, State, Province, ZIP/Postal code, City
  8. Bank account details
  9. A valid means of identification 
  10. Debit card and Credit numbers
  11. Your IP address
  12. And other information we deem necessary to provide you with our services.

Our Mobile App Users (Android, IOS) may need to provide the following information and permissions upon registration:

  1. Location (GPS): We use this data for user segmentation regarding interests, and to deliver more targeted and relevant ads, to potential users. 
  2. Phone book (Contacts list): We require access to your phone book to enable the app to evaluate your trustworthiness, and to improve your experience.
  3. Camera (Pictures): You do not need to grant us this permission every time you use the app. It will only be required if you upload your picture straight from the app. You can safely deny camera permissions afterward.
  4. Photo Gallery (Pictures): You do not need to grant us this permission every time you use the app. It will only be required when you need to upload any picture from their photo gallery to the Savepy LLC app. You can safely deny photo gallery permission afterward.

If you contact us via any means other than the in-app chat, we collect the following information to improve the support we provide.

  1. The mobile number you’re calling from and any information you give us during the call
  2. The email address you use to contact us, and the contents of your email (and any attachments).
  3. If you reach out to us through your social media profile (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Twitter) we collect your public details provided on said platform and the contents of your messages or posts to us.

We collect Personal Information about you from other companies. This information includes, but is not limited to;

  1. Information from credit bureaus to check your eligibility
  2. Information from Consumer Reporting agencies 
  3. Personal Information from your employer where your employer is providing a service on Savepy LLC.
  4. Information from a Next of Kin form.

Please note that our platform does not recognize Do-Not-Track signals from your web browser. 

We may also collect other technical information as highlighted below;

  1. User Behaviour on the app or website is often referred to as ‘Analytics’. When Analytics are correlated with Personal Information it will be regarded as Personal Information. 
  2. Device information: hardware model, operating system version, unique Device identifiers, mobile network Information, and your mobile phone number. We may also associate your Device identifiers or mobile phone number with your Savepy LLC account.
  3. Log Information: Devices software, activities which are done while engaging with our services, The Device’s Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, and Device Identification numbers. Device event information, such as crashes, system activity, and hardware settings, Location preferences, Date and time stamps of transactions, System configuration information, Other interactions with our Services.


Savepy LLC continuously strives to improve our app offerings based on the information and feedback we receive. We will use your data to provide a smoother, more efficient, and more secure user experience. The information we collect from you may be used in one or more of the following ways:

  • Create and Administer your account,
  • Verify your identity and location to prevent fraud and other risks.
  • Prevent and Investigate illegal activities like money laundering, tax evasion, fraud, or violation of our privacy policy.
  • Process transactions
  • Send periodic emails
  • Personalize user experience, 
  • Improve customer service
  • Inform you of changes in our Privacy Policy, technical notices, investment updates, and general service updates.
  • Carry out technical analysis and upgrades to improve Savepy LLC Products and Services.
  • Contact and respond to you when necessary.
  • Maintain your record in line with the legal requirement.
  • Exercise our rights under contracts we’ve entered into with you, managing, collecting, and recovering money you owe us or other users. 
  • We may also use your data in a way that does not neglect your privacy, interests, fundamental rights, and freedoms.
  • Evaluate your eligibility for, the products and services that you request from Savepy LLC
  • Alert you about activities and transactions on your account. 
  • Inform you of available opportunities and promotions in Savepy LLC.
  • Protect our rights and operations. 
  • We may also share your information with third parties which assist us with; the interpretation of data, provide financial services, are our merchants, credit check facilities, and law enforcement when required
  • Carry out any other purposes for which the information was collected.

If you choose to delete your Savepy LLC account, we will delete any data we have previously collected from you. 


For some information, we will require your consent to foster the Marketing and communication of our products and services. You can unsubscribe from receiving these messages any time you want.


As long as Savepy LLC remains in business, and as long as your data remains necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, under the applicable law or regulation, and as long as you are a registered user of our services, Savepy LLC will keep your information. 

This policy also applies to any third-party ally we share your data with. Once your data is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected, we will either delete it from our systems or depersonalize it so that we can no longer recognize you.

This Data storage policy supersedes any rights to erasure under the applicable data laws. We assure you that your data will be held safely and securely during your stay as a consumer. 

To have your data deleted from our services, you can make an official request to delete your account by contacting our Support Team. 


To ensure that your privacy is respected, and your data remains private and secured, Savepy LLC does not sell or rent users’ Personal Information to or with third parties. 

On principle, we are only allowed to share generic information, and only when necessary, in limited circumstances, and as long as no private information is included. On this note, we will only share said generic data with our business partners and affiliates for surveys, analytics, and privacy protection.

To be clear, we do not share our user’s Personal Information with other financial companies for joint marketing, we do not share data with other affiliated companies for their business use. We do not share user information with any third party who will promote products and services to you.

We will only share your information if; you request that we do, and permit us to, the information is needed to complete a transaction, the information will ensure better customer service and experience. We need to publish information on events, and competitions on our digital and print media, you win a gift in our competition, and, if we need to share your Personal Information with delivery companies.

Where the law stipulates, or when in the interest of a proceeding, the respective court of your country orders that we share the Personal Information of our user, we will have to share said information in good faith and in in the interest of justice being administered, and also with the privacy and rights of Savepy LLC users in mind. 

Savepy LLC may employ the services of third parties to provide hosting and maintenance of our servers and app, database storage and management, email management, storage marketing, customer services, order fulfillment, and credit card processing. When we do we will share non-personal user information to ensure that their roles are performed efficiently. 

If Savepy LLC is acquired by another company, we will disclose all user information to the company and users will be under the company’s privacy policy

On the orders of the court, and to prevent fraudulent activities, Savepy LLC may disclose both personal and non-Personal Information to government and law enforcement officials. 

When a user defaults on a payment or contribution, their data will be disclosed to the appropriate credit registry.

We may require the transfer of your data to a country other than your country of reference. 

We may continue to share user information as described in this Privacy Policy, even after a user unsubscribes from Savepy LLC.


We work with third parties to achieve our organization’s goals. These third parties include but are not limited to financial service providers, insurance companies, and security agencies. When we receive information about you from third parties, we will inform said user about the data received and what we intend to do with the information, via call or email. 


Savepy LLC uses practical data collection, storage, and processing practices to prevent unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, and destruction of your Personal Information, username, password, and data stored on our site. We are dedicated to securing your information against all foreseeable dangers and breaches (theft, cyber-attack, alteration, identity theft, viral attack, data dissemination, and manipulations of any kind).

We store all confidential information, like credit cards, BVN, and Social Security Numbers in the most secure way. We use a secured server, secured premises, firewalls, SSL (Secure Socket Layer), encryption, and authorization. 

However, given that no data storage system can be 100% secured, Savepy LLC will not be responsible for any unauthorized access or use of your Personal Information; if we find that you have circumvented the measures we put in place to ensure your data safety at the time of unauthorized access, if the unauthorized access was beyond our control, and if the unauthorized access was due to your failure to protect your data and login details.


The laws of your country guarantee you the following right, concerning your online privacy. These are some of your legal rights. 

1· RIGHT OF ACCESS – You may request a copy of the Personal Information that we have of you, and information about what we do with your data, whom we share it with, and how long we hold your data. 

2· RIGHT TO RECTIFY – You may correct the Personal Information we have of you if you find that it is factually inaccurate.

3· RIGHT TO BE FORGOTTEN – You may request the erasure of your data and any record we have of you.

4· RIGHT TO WITHDRAW CONSENT: You may withdraw your consent to this policy and discontinue the use of all Savepy LLC Products and Services. 

5· RIGHT TO TRANSFER: You may freely transfer the copy of your data to any other person, body, or platform. However, note that we do not assume responsibility for what any third party you share your data with does with it. 

6· RIGHT TO COMPLAIN: You may complain about how we handle your Personal Data with an appropriate Data Privacy Regulating Body.

7· RIGHT TO REFUSE MARKETING: You may request that we do not use your Personal Data for marketing purposes.

If you wish to exercise any of your rights, please contact our Support Team


A User or Customer who wishes to delete their data and be forgotten by Savepy LLC, with or without stating a reason, can contact our support team to effect their request.

Savepy LLC stores all Personal Data with fully vetted, and Data Policy compliant vendors. When a request for data erasure is made, it may take up to 60 days to put the delete in effect. Savepy LLC also stores all information of inactive accounts for 6 years before deleting them. 

However, the jurisdiction of your government or any legal reason supersedes your right to account deletion. 


Please help us keep your data safe by keeping your account information safe. Users should not share their personal Identification, Savepy username or login email, password, or PIN with anyone, under any circumstances. Do not respond to emails asking you for your login details or other Personal Information. If you receive a suspicious request, contact our support team immediately. 

Upon registration, when contacting our support team, for user verification, and transaction authorization, we may require your phone number, account number, or other information in specific telephone and in-person transactions necessary to satisfy your need. 


While we currently do not run third-party adverts on our platforms, we may in the future. When such an advert pops up, please note that it may lead you to a third-party site. 

Savepy LLC has no control over the privacy policy of the said third-party site and as such, assumes no responsibility. We advise that users go through the third party’s Privacy Policy before engaging with them. 


Savepy LLC makes use of cookies to identify browsers and devices, as well as to enable a quicker login, and smooth navigation through our website, and to assist our business partners and our analytics team monitor usage data. 

We may send said cookies to your device whenever you visit any Savepy LLC platform.


In the unfortunate event of a breach of security which leads to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to Personal Data, and Savepy LLC becomes aware of said breach, Savepy LLC shall within 72 (Seventy-Two) hours report the details of the breach to the appropriate agency,

Where we investigate and determine that said breach violates your Data Privacy rights and freedoms, we will take action to remedy the breach within 7 (Seven) working days. 


Please note that Savepy LLC’s Privacy Policy is subject to periodic change in order to consistently protect your privacy. Savepy LLC will notify you of all changes by sending you a notification via your email, updating all our social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, LinkedIn), and updating the date at the top of this policy.

We implore you to check and review this privacy policy periodically. 


If you have any complaints or worries regarding privacy and Personal Data, please contact our Support Team at If our support team cannot resolve your reservations or complaints, you will be transferred to our Data Protection officer. 

You can also send a message to our Data Protection Officer through the app, via our office address, or by mail at 


Please be reminded that your use and continued use of this Platform signifies your acceptance of this privacy policy. Where changes are made.